Dear colleagues,
The latest issue of The Reasoner (Vol 19, No 1) is now freely available for download in pdf format at
The Reasoner is a quarterly publication that highlights exciting new research on reasoning, inference and method broadly construed. Initially supported by the Centre for Reasoning of the University of Kent until 2024, the journal is now published in Diamond Open Access by Milan University Press.
Table of contents of Vol 19, No 1
Hykel Hosni, Paolo Baldi, Lorenzo Casini, Jürgen Landes, Felix Weitkaemper, Sarah Wieten, Jon Williamson
Research articles
Paolo Baldi, Fabio Aurelio D’Asaro
Non-monotonic bounded reasoners
An interview with…
Jürgen Landes
An Interview with Sébastien Rivat
Post-publication reviews and comments
Paolo Luigi Balzaretti
Representativeness heuristic is a potential danger to the diagnostic process
Dissemination Corner
Giacomo Zanotti
Fourth BRIO Meeting & Idea League Ethics Working Group Workshop
Alessandro Acciai, Rossella Suriano
Michal Sikorski, Alexander Gebharter, Barbara Osimani
Probabilistic Reasoning in the Sciences
The Reasoner is now widely calling for submissions by all interested in reasoning. All accepted submissions are published in Diamond Open Access (free of all charges), receive their own digital object identifier, and are indexed by DOAJ.
Research Articles
Research articles typically do not exceed 3000 words and report either original results or new perspectives on the existing literature. We welcome research articles on logic, methodology of science, and history of scientific reasoning — all broadly construed to include foundations and applications to society and technology.
Research Articles are peer-reviewed through a double-blind process.
In addition to Research Articles, The Reasoner publishes features that are not peer-reviewed but are subject to the editorial board’s decision. We pimarily publish Features that are of interest to a broad audience, preferably multidisciplinary. Features do not exceed 1000 words and are reasonably self-contained. Currently The Reasoner publishes features in the following Sections:
- An interview with… : an interview preceded by a short editorial-like introduction
- The Reasoner speculates: highlights novel perspectives or introduces new ideas which you think deserve discussion.
- Dissemination corner: (regular) reports with the highlights of your ongoing research project.
- What’s hot in … (regular) columns highlighting exciting developments in your area of reasoning-related research.
- Book reviews on reasoning-related topics, preferably of multidisciplinary interest.
- Post-publication open reviews and comments
Note that in the interest of fostering scientific debate, we now solicit post-publication open reviews and comments to previously published articles and features.
Submissions in this track should be brief (typically not exceeding 300 words) are not peer reviewed, but they are checked for editorial guidelines compliance and they will be moderated by the editorial team. Please make sure you provide the DOI of the feature you intend to comment on.
Submitted items of news can be of any length, though shorter pieces are more likely to be published.
- Conference announcements should be kept brief, and should include a title, dates, location and url.
- Job announcements should be brief, including a job title, the name of the hiring institution or company, and url.
The deadline for submitting in this track is the 15th of the month before the publication of the issue you intend it to appear in.
Full editorial guidelines are available at
If you would like to be alerted by email when an issue becomes available,
please subscribe at
Hykel Hosni, Editor of The Reasoner