Die Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie (GWP) strebt an, die Wissenschaftstheorie in deutschsprachigen Ländern zu unterstützen und international zu vertreten. Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahre 2012 organisiert die GWP dreijährlich eine Konferenz.
ZIWIS, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) Erlangen, Deutschland
Call for Papers & Call for Symposia
Our fifth conference will be hosted by the FAU Kompetenzzentrum für interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftsreflexion (ZIWIS) at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and co-hosted by its Institut für Philosophie from 24th until 26th of March 2025. The ZIWIS (www.ziwis.fau.de) pursues the goal of understanding philosophy of science in an application-oriented way and linking it with other areas of science studies, which is characterized by the concept of “Wissenschaftsreflexion” (“reflection on science”).
conference venue: Kollegienhaus, Universitätsstraße 15 in Erlangen
travel information : https://www.ziwis.fau.de/forschung/gwp-2025/
We welcome proposals for individual papers (30 min plus 10 min discussion) or symposia (3 speakers in a 2-hour session). Graduate students are especially encouraged to submit proposals for either individual papers or symposia. All proposals will be submitted electronically here.
Please note that each person can only present one paper at the GWP.2025 (whether individual or as part of a symposium; co-authorship of papers presented by others is possible). The recommended conference language is English, but contributions in German will also be considered.
Please submit this template if you intend to organize a symposium: Proposal for Symposium.
Contributed papers are invited from all fields of philosophy of science as well as from the history of science, science & technology studies (STS), and other related disciplines. Contributed papers will be clustered into parallel sessions focusing on particular topics or special sciences.
We welcome proposals for individual papers (30 min plus 10 min discussion) or symposia (3 speakers in a 2-hour session). Graduate students are especially encouraged to submit proposals for either individual papers or symposia. All proposals will be submitted electronically via https://gwp2025.sciencesconf.org/. On the conference website at https://www.wissphil.de/gwp2025/ you will find all detailed information on the submission process (including formatting guidelines of proposals) and, closer to the time, on how to register for the conference.
Please note that each person can only present one paper at the GWP.2025 (whether individual or as part of a symposium; co-authorship of papers presented by others is possible). The recommended conference language is English, but contributions in German will also be considered.
Please submit this template if you intend to organize a symposium: Proposal for Symposium.
Keynote lectures will be given by:
Kevin Elliott (Michigan State)
Roman Frigg (London)
Andreas Hüttemann (Köln)
Lina Jansson (Nottingham)
Sabina Leonelli (München)
Naomi Oreskes (Harvard)
Local Organizing Committee (LOC):
Michael Jungert (chair), Sabine Dika, Gerhard Ernst, Katrin Götz-Votteler, Simone Hespers, Jon Leefmann, Erasmus Mayr, Josephine Musil-Gutsch, Vanina Rodriguez-Bauer, Anna Schneider, Sebastian Schuol.
Program Committee: Axel Gelfert (GWP President), Gerhard Ernst, Vera Hoffmann-Kolss, Michael Jungert, Jon Leefmann, Erasmus Mayr, Josephine Musil-Gutsch, Sebastian Schuol.
Please feel free to contact the organizers if you need any further information: ziwis-conference@fau.de.
The GWP aims to organize an international conference devoted to all fields of philosophy of science every three years.
The fourth international conference of the GWP, was hosted by the Technische Universität Berlin from August 15 to 17, 2022.
Invited Speakers
Sponsors & Supporters
The third triannual international conference of the GWP was hosted by the Universität zu Köln February 25 to 27, 2019.
Invited Speakers
Sponsors & Supporters
The second triannual international conference of the GWP was hosted by the Duesseldorf Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (DCLPS) at the University of Duesseldorf March 8 to 11, 2016.
Invited Speakers
GWP Organisers
Sponsors & Supporters
The first triannual international conference of the GWP, GWP.2013, was hosted by the Department of Philosophy at the University of Hannover March 11 to 14, 2013.
Invited Speakers
Sponsors & Supporters
Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie
Institut für Philosophie
Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätsstraße 1
40225 Düsseldorf (Germany)