The registration for the Fifth International Conference of the German Society
for Philosophy of Science (GWP.2025) in Erlangen is open from now until
February 16, 2025.
Please register at:
The German Society for Philosophy of Science (Gesellschaft für
Wissenschaftsphilosophie – GWP) was founded in September 2011 with the
aim to better integrate the community of philosophers of science and
academics interested in philosophy of science in Germany and thereby to
promote the field at a local and international level. The GWP organizes an
international conference every three years.
Our fifth conference will be hosted by the FAU Kompetenzzentrum für
interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftsreflexion (ZIWIS) at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and
co-hosted by its Institut für Philosophie from 24th until 26th of March 2025.
The ZIWIS ( pursues the goal of understanding philosophy of
science in an application-oriented way and linking it with other areas of science
studies, which is characterized by the concept of “Wissenschaftsreflexion”
(“reflection on science”).
The GWP.2025 will comprise around 130 submitted talks in numerous sections
ranging from General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Medicine, AI,
Physics and Biology to Science and Society, Science and Values and History of
Science and many more.
In addition, there will be six symposia and six plenary lectures by:
- Kevin Elliott (Michigan State)
- Roman Frigg (London)
- Andreas Hüttemann (Köln)
- Lina Jansson (Nottingham)
- Sabina Leonelli (München)
- Naomi Oreskes (Harvard)
Conference Fees:
- non-student, non-GWP-member: 90,00 €
- non-student, GWP-member: 70,00 €
- student, non-GWP-member: 60,00 €
- student, GWP-member: 40,00 €
- optional additional fee for the conference dinner: 39,00 €
Conference fees can only be payed via bank transfer. Further payment
information is provided during the registration process.
Local Organizing Committee (LOC): Michael Jungert (Chair), Sabine Dika,
Gerhard Ernst, Katrin Götz-Votteler, Simone Hespers, Jon Leefmann, Erasmus
Mayr, Josephine Musil-Gutsch, Vanina Rodriguez-Bauer, Anna Schneider,
Sebastian Schuol
Program Committee: Axel Gelfert (GWP President), Gerhard Ernst, Vera
Hoffmann-Kolss, Michael Jungert, Jon Leefmann, Erasmus Mayr, Josephine
Musil-Gutsch, Sebastian Schuol