Book Release: Perspectives on Logics for Data-driven Reasoning

Dear colleagues,

we would like to inform you that the book Perspectives on Logics for Data-driven Reasoning has been published  by Springer

During the first half of the past century, logic emerged as the field dealing with the methodology of deductive systems. Today, data-intensive and AI-driven science call for a new methodology of formalized inductive reasoning. The field is vast and currently in the making.

By soliciting the contributions appearing in this volume we aim to serve two sets of readers. First, we hope to stimulate logicians to apply their mindset and tools to the methodological and formal questions which arise within data-driven reasoning. Second, we hope to signal to the wider scientific community that logic can be vastly more useful in methodology than they expect. Arguably, the larger the intersection between those two sets of researchers, the more relevant logic will be in data-intensive and AI-driven science.

To make this volume particularly useful to early stage researchers, and then hopefully contribute to constructing a new research community centered on logic-based, data-driven reasoning, we have solicited contributions which put ideas before technical development.

Hykel Hosni & Jürgen Landes

University of Milan and LMU Munich