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Topical Collection in the European Journal for Philosophy of Science Guest Editors: Enno Fischer (Institute of Philosophy, TU Dresden) & Alejandro Fábregas-Tejeda (Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, KU Leuven) Open for submissions: 1 November 2024 – 30 April 2025 Originally going back to Larry Laudan’s (1977) distinction between the ‘context of acceptance’ and […]

Workshop 1: “Psychedelics: Epistemology and Philosophy of Science”  (08. & 09. Oct. 2024, organised by PsychedELSI: Workshop 2. “Transformative Psychedelic Experiences”  (10. & 11. Oct. 2024, organised by PsyTrans: Location:  Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Charité Mitte, Berlin Germany  Focus: The international research projects PsychedELSI and PsyTrans are presenting two consecutive workshops that […]

Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d) in Philosophy of Science (salary scale 13 TV-L, 75-100%) Nestled in a modern city surrounded by nature and with an exceptional standard of living, Leibniz University Hannover offers excellent working conditions in a vibrant scientific community. The Institute of Philosophy at Leibniz University Hannover has an excellent reputation for being one of […]

The submission for the Fifth International Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP.2025) is open. Proposals for individual papers or symposia can be submitted electronically via The conference will be hosted by the FAU Kompetenzzentrum für interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftsreflexion (ZIWIS) at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and co-hosted by its Institut für Philosophie from 24th until […]

Ausschreibungs-ID: 6240 Wir sind eine interdisziplinär ausgerichtete und weltoffene Universität mit aktuell rund 15.000 Studierenden und einem Fächerspektrum von den Geistes-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften bis hin zu Natur-, Ingenieur- und Lebenswissenschaften. Mit über 2.000 Beschäftigten zählen wir zu den größten Arbeitgebern der Region und bieten ein einzigartiges Umfeld für Lehre, Forschung und Weiterbildung. Wir suchen: […]

GWP.2025 Fifth International Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science Call for Papers – Call for Symposia ZIWIS, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) Erlangen, Germany March 24-26, 2025 Submission Deadline: September 1, 2024 Acceptance Notification: November 2024 Keynote lectures will be given by: Kevin Elliott (Michigan State) Roman Frigg (London) Andreas Hüttemann (Köln) Lina Jansson […]

The Center for Philosophy, Science, and Policy (CPSP) at the Marche Polytechnic University invites applications for the Master in “Statistics, Data Intelligence, and the Foundations of the Sciences”. The Master aims to fill a gap in the Data Science and STEM fields by integrating theoretical tools and empirical methods for an educated approach to data […]

Dear all, We are happy to announce our workshop “Methodological Transformations in Fundamental Physics” (September 16-18 2024, Wuppertal, Germany). A call for abstracts is open until June 1st. (For more information, please visit the AbstractThe success of science is often attributed to “the” scientific method, yet the definition and nature of this method remains a […]

Liebe GWP-Mitglieder, im Namen des Vorstandes freue ich mich, Ihnen die Daten der nächsten GWP-Konferenz bekanntgeben zu können: Die GWP.2025 wird vom 24. bis 26. März 2025 in Erlangen an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), unter Federführung des ZIWIS – FAU Kompetenzzentrum für interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftsreflexion, stattfinden. Ein ausführlicher Call for Papers wird derzeit vorbereitet und voraussichtlich […]

In connection with the centenary of the Vienna Circle and the upcoming 75th anniversary of the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science, we are organizing a conference titled Philosophy of Science: Past, Present and Future. This conference will take place on October 17-19, 2024, and will be held at the University of Minnesota.  The conference will […]

Invited Speakers:  Alison Fernandes, Bryan Roberts, Cristian López, Eddy Chen, Jill North, Natalja Deng, and Nina Emery Abstract: The problem of the direction of time is a central issue in contemporary philosophy of science. On the one hand, we experience many time-directed phenomena, such as causal relationships and local thermodynamic behavior; on the other hand, […]

Aims:The international workshop on “Trivalent Suspension, Uncertainty and Reasoning with Conditionals” (TSUC) aims to bring together renowned researchers from philosophy, logic, formal epistemology, and mathematics to discuss the major issues, contemporary methodologies that have arisen in the study of suspension, uncertainty, and conditionals. We would like to investigate a specific perspective concerning trivalent logic, probability and conditionals. Specifically, this workshop intends […]

Call for Registration: “Explainable AI and Society” Lecture Series The 4th installment of the lecture series “Explainable AI and Society” will take place during the winter semester 2023/2024, online and in person at TU Dortmund. Modern AI can be used to drive cars, to decide on loans, or to detect cancer. Yet, the inner workings […]

Dear colleagues and students, please find here some information about the two-year Master program “History, Philosophy and Culture of Science” (HPS+) offered by the Philosophy Department in cooperation with other Departments at Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB): HPS+-info [1] An important novelty is that from now on a specialization in logic (next to a focus on HPS) […]

The European Philosophy of Science Association calls for proposals for the venue of EPSA25, its 10th Biennial Conference, to be held in the autumn of 2025. The biennial conference is the main scientific event of the EPSA, typically attracting 200-300 philosophers of science from across the world. It usually comprises 200 contributed and symposia talks, […]

Ankündigung Das Netzwerk „Argumentieren in der Schule“ richtet im Rahmen seines Arbeitstreffens einen öffentlichen Workshop mit dem Titel „Ziele und Grenzen des Argumentierens“ aus, der vom 18. bis 20. September 2023 in Düsseldorf stattfindet. Welche Ziele können und sollen im Argumentieren verfolgt werden? Wo liegen die Grenzen des Argumentierens und wie lässt sich mit ihnen umgehen? Diese […]

Job: PhD position (3 years) in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences at Bielefeld University, Germany (deadline: July 5th, 2023) The Faculty of History, Philosophy und Theology, Department of Philosophy (research group philosophy of science, Prof. Dr. Marie I. Kaiser/Prof. Dr. Lara Keuck/Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alkistis Elliott-Graves), has the following job opening: PhD position in the […]

Logikphilosophisch – psychologisch – mathematisch – informatisch Hintergrund:In seiner Erkenntnislehre unterscheidet Stumpf zwischen universalen Axiomen oder logischen Grundsätzen einerseits und regionalen Axiomen oder phänomenologischen Grundsätzen andererseits. Das so bestimmte, phänomenologisch geprägte Logikkonzept soll im Mittelpunkt der Jahrestagung stehen und mit anderen, auch aktuellen Logikkonzepten verglichen werden. Call for papers Die Carl Stumpf Gesellschaft lädt dazu ein, die Bedeutung der […]

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites abstracts for the following event:  The Unconventional Memory Workshop MCMP, LMU Munich September 12-13, 2023********************************************* Recent philosophical and scientific research has aimed to widen the boundaries of what we think memory is as well as where and how we think it occurs. This workshop is dedicated to the […]

Guest editors: Tobias Henschen (Cologne), Andreas Hüttemann (Cologne) Topical Collection Description: The metaphysics of science debate is often characterized as dividing philosophers who endorse positions of “maximal” metaphysics and “maximal” anti-metaphysics: philosophers who believe and philosophers who refuse to believe that the content or practice of science is to be explained in terms of unobservable […]

Die Frage nach der Stellung des Menschen in der Wissenschaft gewinnt durch die immer umfassendere wissenschaftliche Erschließung der menschlichen Lebenswelt an Bedeutung. Das Feld der damit verbundenen Phänomene erstreckt sich von der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Menschen und seiner Lebenszusammenhänge über die Vorstellungen vom Menschen in den Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften bis hin zu praktischen […]

Dear all.  Submissions are now open for the 7th edition of HaPoC, to be hosted by the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences at Warsaw University of Technology from 18 through 20 October, 2023. Important dates:  – Submission deadline: April 30, 2023  – Notification of acceptance/rejection: June 30th, 2023 – Conference: October 18-20, 2023  Conference […]

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites submissions for the following event:  How Should We Reason? Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives  MCMP, LMU Munich October 12-13, 2023********************************************* According to a long-standing insight going back to Hume, the normative and the descriptive are distinct in kind, so that it is wrong to conclude “is” from “ought” or […]

Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practices with Jean Paul Van BendegemDate: 21 – 23 June 2023Location: Brussels, Belgium (in person)Costs: FreeDeadline for abstract submission: April 1, 2023Webpage: The Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLPS) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) will host its fifth Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practices on […]